Hailee Steinfeld

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Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 11 Feb 2025, 03:36

Guest wrote:
10 Feb 2025, 08:09
Guest wrote:
10 Feb 2025, 06:31
has anyone seen her new photos? Her makeup always looks off lately, does she have a new stylist or something? For the new nfl honors pictures taken on the 6th, her foundation looks caked on and clumped and one of her lashes is bigger than the other. I saw the photos on Reddit but no one else seemed to comment on it lol. So I thought I’d ask y’all.
You noticed one eyelash is bigger than the other? Girl........ :lol:

Here are the pics, I didn’t mean one eyelash lol, but zoom in and you’ll see. I think she’s wearing false eyelashes and one set is clearly bigger than the other lol.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Feb 2025, 16:58

Guest wrote:
10 Feb 2025, 08:09
Guest wrote:
10 Feb 2025, 06:31
has anyone seen her new photos? Her makeup always looks off lately, does she have a new stylist or something? For the new nfl honors pictures taken on the 6th, her foundation looks caked on and clumped and one of her lashes is bigger than the other. I saw the photos on Reddit but no one else seemed to comment on it lol. So I thought I’d ask y’all.
You noticed one eyelash is bigger than the other? Girl........ :lol:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Feb 2025, 08:09

Guest wrote:
10 Feb 2025, 06:31
has anyone seen her new photos? Her makeup always looks off lately, does she have a new stylist or something? For the new nfl honors pictures taken on the 6th, her foundation looks caked on and clumped and one of her lashes is bigger than the other. I saw the photos on Reddit but no one else seemed to comment on it lol. So I thought I’d ask y’all.
You noticed one eyelash is bigger than the other? Girl........ :lol:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Feb 2025, 06:31

has anyone seen her new photos? Her makeup always looks off lately, does she have a new stylist or something? For the new nfl honors pictures taken on the 6th, her foundation looks caked on and clumped and one of her lashes is bigger than the other. I saw the photos on Reddit but no one else seemed to comment on it lol. So I thought I’d ask y’all.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 21 Jan 2025, 21:19

Guest wrote:
21 Jan 2025, 19:41
Congrats to Hailee on a successful journey of voicing Vi from Arcane. Good job, girl!
ViCait Forever :hug:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 21 Jan 2025, 19:41

Congrats to Hailee on a successful journey of voicing Vi from Arcane. Good job, girl!
ViCait Forever :hug:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 04 Dec 2024, 01:51

She's hollywood trained since she was like 10. She comes off as very guarded when doing PR. Thats why she's dull in press tours. She repeats the same phrases, says alot without saying anything, but it doesnt mean she thinks shes above everyone else. As far as I know, no one in Dickinson set has said anything bad about her. She was the top person in that set. Ayo Edebiri even hosted her an interview while The Bear was at the peak of its popularity.

I'm surprised her thread is still open.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Blackfish’s » 03 Dec 2024, 20:12

Guest wrote:
26 Nov 2024, 07:16
Guest wrote:
25 Sep 2024, 13:52
Is is true that she's rude to crew & extras on set? At first I dismissed it as a misogynistic rumor, but I keep hearing this from so many different sources I think there has to be some truth to it.
It wouldn’t surprise me. She definitely gives off that “I’m better than everyone” vibe. I can totally feel it in interviews. Her energy’s kinda dark and off-putting, like she’s always bored and thinks she’s too good for everything. You can really see it when you compare her to Ella Purnell, with whom she’s been doing press for Arcane lately, or even Ella Hunt during Dickinson. Both of them were way more chill, down to earth, and seemed genuinely into their projects. Honestly, just reading their body language around Hailee in YT vids or BTS stuff... it’s like they’re uncomfortable lol.

I mean, seriously, what makes her think she’s so much better than everyone else? A failed music career? Super boring, curated social media feeds full of ads for shit beauty and hair care stuff? And yeah, she’s a good actor, but she barely ever acts (😭💀), and when she does, the stuff she picks is usually trash.
This is just your subjective impression, and sure, it could be true. But my impression of her during interviews is that of somebody who takes her job very seriously, but tries to stay private. She always came across as likeable and funny to me.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 30 Nov 2024, 21:24

This is sending me :rofl: :rofl:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 26 Nov 2024, 07:16

Guest wrote:
25 Sep 2024, 13:52
Is is true that she's rude to crew & extras on set? At first I dismissed it as a misogynistic rumor, but I keep hearing this from so many different sources I think there has to be some truth to it.
It wouldn’t surprise me. She definitely gives off that “I’m better than everyone” vibe. I can totally feel it in interviews. Her energy’s kinda dark and off-putting, like she’s always bored and thinks she’s too good for everything. You can really see it when you compare her to Ella Purnell, with whom she’s been doing press for Arcane lately, or even Ella Hunt during Dickinson. Both of them were way more chill, down to earth, and seemed genuinely into their projects. Honestly, just reading their body language around Hailee in YT vids or BTS stuff... it’s like they’re uncomfortable lol.

I mean, seriously, what makes her think she’s so much better than everyone else? A failed music career? Super boring, curated social media feeds full of ads for shit beauty and hair care stuff? And yeah, she’s a good actor, but she barely ever acts (😭💀), and when she does, the stuff she picks is usually trash.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Oct 2024, 22:47

Guest wrote:
10 Oct 2024, 22:38
Guest wrote:
09 Oct 2024, 17:01
I can't read all 800 pages, does anyone have a substantial reason to believe that she's more than an ally?
There's a reason this thread died, so no lol.
Thanks anon(s), that's what I figured.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Oct 2024, 22:38

Guest wrote:
09 Oct 2024, 17:01
I can't read all 800 pages, does anyone have a substantial reason to believe that she's more than an ally?
There's a reason this thread died, so no lol.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 10 Oct 2024, 21:09

Guest wrote:
09 Oct 2024, 17:01
I can't read all 800 pages, does anyone have a substantial reason to believe that she's more than an ally?
It's all just wishful thinking.
There's no reason for this thread.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 09 Oct 2024, 17:01

I can't read all 800 pages, does anyone have a substantial reason to believe that she's more than an ally?

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 26 Sep 2024, 12:28

Guest wrote:
25 Sep 2024, 13:52
Is is true that she's rude to crew & extras on set? At first I dismissed it as a misogynistic rumor, but I keep hearing this from so many different sources I think there has to be some truth to it.
Is it true you're a moron? I keep hearing this from different sources so it must be true. :heart:

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 25 Sep 2024, 13:52

Is is true that she's rude to crew & extras on set? At first I dismissed it as a misogynistic rumor, but I keep hearing this from so many different sources I think there has to be some truth to it.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 24 Sep 2024, 14:32

She looks amazing in the trailer for "Sinners." I believe she's playing a villain? Which is a first.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 18 Sep 2024, 11:44

She's in some new commercial or something where she's wearing a suit and tie with a skirt. Looks amazing.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 26 Aug 2024, 18:27

Guest wrote:
23 Jun 2024, 12:30
She's top 5 when it comes to late Millennial/Zoomer actresses. Her talent is being wasted. You can point the finger at different things. At first, it was her ridiculous music career. But now, I believe her management simply doesn't know what to do with it.

I am looking forward to that Ryan Coogler/Michael B. Jordan vampire movie, though. Hopefully, it'll be a springboard for Hailee's acting career.
She constantly needs to reboot her acting career (Dickinson, the Coogler movie), because she continually derails it with her desire to be a pop star.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 26 Aug 2024, 13:17

I love her new hairstyle. It's a very flattering look and I don't know why more women don't have it. Reminds me of the 90s.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 24 Jun 2024, 13:32

Guest wrote:
24 Jun 2024, 12:36
I just saw some pics of her attending a friend's wedding and this is the first she has looked like an actual adult.
Well fckin post it!

Ukhm, please

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 24 Jun 2024, 12:36

I just saw some pics of her attending a friend's wedding and this is the first she has looked like an actual adult.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 23 Jun 2024, 12:30

She's top 5 when it comes to late Millennial/Zoomer actresses. Her talent is being wasted. You can point the finger at different things. At first, it was her ridiculous music career. But now, I believe her management simply doesn't know what to do with it.

I am looking forward to that Ryan Coogler/Michael B. Jordan vampire movie, though. Hopefully, it'll be a springboard for Hailee's acting career.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by shawnelliott » 28 Sep 2023, 03:41

hey hailee can do a music video with you or no because im a big fan

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Calamitypain » 22 Jul 2023, 14:54

Guest wrote:
27 May 2023, 14:09
these pics... White supremacy
These twitter picks look like the kind of party the white girl lured her black boyfriend to in Get Out!
With regards to her being straight I seem to remember her cutting about with Sophie Turner and them looking very gay together a few years ago. My gaydar also went off when I seen her in her first film the western one. It was like seeing a young Kristen Stewart in Panic Room. Maybe it was a phase and she has come back to being hetro.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Baby2003 » 22 Jul 2023, 14:53

Guest wrote:
22 Jul 2023, 14:36
Baby2003 wrote:
22 Jul 2023, 14:09
Guest wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 23:51
i told y’all that no queer girl hangs around with the likes of eiza gonzalez but y’all didn’t want to believe me.

wouldn’t be the first time that a woman dates a man who is more conservative than her. straight women don’t really care about that as much as they’d like to pretend.
Imo she is not straight, she is bi and definitely not only into women, the relationship is not what it seems and it will not last. Also think she was with someone privately for a bit
Da 😂 is the someone you think she was secretly seeing her ex co worker who is in a serious relationship with an older man?
No, she was more than likely seeing someone based off of her ig stories etc

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 22 Jul 2023, 14:36

Baby2003 wrote:
22 Jul 2023, 14:09
Guest wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 23:51
i told y’all that no queer girl hangs around with the likes of eiza gonzalez but y’all didn’t want to believe me.

wouldn’t be the first time that a woman dates a man who is more conservative than her. straight women don’t really care about that as much as they’d like to pretend.
Imo she is not straight, she is bi and definitely not only into women, the relationship is not what it seems and it will not last. Also think she was with someone privately for a bit
Da 😂 is the someone you think she was secretly seeing her ex co worker who is in a serious relationship with an older man?

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Baby2003 » 22 Jul 2023, 14:09

Guest wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 23:51
i told y’all that no queer girl hangs around with the likes of eiza gonzalez but y’all didn’t want to believe me.

wouldn’t be the first time that a woman dates a man who is more conservative than her. straight women don’t really care about that as much as they’d like to pretend.
Imo she is not straight, she is bi and definitely not only into women, the relationship is not what it seems and it will not last. Also think she was with someone privately for a bit

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 08 Jul 2023, 06:44

Guest wrote:
08 Jul 2023, 06:16
She really is the straightesr girl the l chat ever obsessed over. I don't know how and why people didn't think she's straight. Just bc of Dickinson?
Anyway, this dude she's with is definitely a guy I'd expect her to date, which is not a compliment in the slightest.
I didn't wanna say it but when she released that song, can't remember the name and she was raving about it, a song basic af I knew anyone who thinks she is any sort of gay will soon be disappointed

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 08 Jul 2023, 06:16

She really is the straightesr girl the l chat ever obsessed over. I don't know how and why people didn't think she's straight. Just bc of Dickinson?
Anyway, this dude she's with is definitely a guy I'd expect her to date, which is not a compliment in the slightest.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Hsssssssss » 08 Jul 2023, 03:23

Guest wrote:
15 Jun 2023, 11:58
is dickinson worth watching? is it too long? since hailee is apparently straight irl i want to watch her being fruity as an actress

no it’s too looouuunnggg go home

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Hailee's Lack of Morals » 08 Jul 2023, 00:11

Guest wrote:
07 Jul 2023, 23:51
i told y’all that no queer girl hangs around with the likes of eiza gonzalez but y’all didn’t want to believe me.

wouldn’t be the first time that a woman dates a man who is more conservative than her. straight women don’t really care about that as much as they’d like to pretend.
You are assuming that she doesn't have the same views as he does. People rarely date polar opposites politically. A lot of these so-called liberal, feminist actresses are nothing of the sort in private.

I have a feeling this man is about to embarrass the shit out of her when these elections start ramping up. She could already be concerned given what's already out there about him but maybe she just doesn't care. Like I said, people rarely date outside of their political officiations.

Why does she look so miserable lately on this Spiderman press tour? Its one of the biggest films of the year.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 07 Jul 2023, 23:51

i told y’all that no queer girl hangs around with the likes of eiza gonzalez but y’all didn’t want to believe me.

wouldn’t be the first time that a woman dates a man who is more conservative than her. straight women don’t really care about that as much as they’d like to pretend.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 16 Jun 2023, 06:23

Guest wrote:
15 Jun 2023, 11:58
is dickinson worth watching? is it too long? since hailee is apparently straight irl i want to watch her being fruity as an actress
Very worth watching. Endgame Emisue. Both Hailee and Ella acted well based on great chemistry. This type of Dickinson is like a mix of period drama with contemporary language/expressions. Here is the storyline before you take the plunge: (hope the link works)

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 15 Jun 2023, 14:21

Guest wrote:
15 Jun 2023, 11:58
is dickinson worth watching? is it too long? since hailee is apparently straight irl i want to watch her being fruity as an actress
The lesbian part of the show is definitely worth watching!
I personally liked the show in general too, but anyway the thing you want to see is beautiful to see.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 15 Jun 2023, 11:58

is dickinson worth watching? is it too long? since hailee is apparently straight irl i want to watch her being fruity as an actress

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 29 May 2023, 01:47

2023 definitely seems to be the year for popstars/actresses to be dating the most problematic men they can find when they could just go to therapy instead.

But yeah that entire friend group makes a whole lot more sense to me as time goes on. Taylor dating Nazi-saluting Matty. Karlie marrying into the Tr-mp administration. Just bonkers undercover Republicans.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 29 May 2023, 01:17

Well, it's a good thing this happened a year after she was the flame of the month here or the crazies would have taken over. Nobody wants to see a Jodie Comer situation happen again.

Jut be glad she is so private so you probably won't have to see her all over with her boyfriend.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 23:58

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:40
Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:19
Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:17
An NFL Player? And not any NFL player but a racist Tr-mp supporter. Good Lord. This is like when Shanielle started dating Aaron Rodgers and we would spew weird conspiracy theory shit to the point where people were questioning her sanity as well I bet the same is going to happen to Hailey. Where did she even meet this guy? Do they even run in the same circles? Has to be a PR setup relationship.
Girl, let it go, she's not a lesbian, she likes guys.
Liking guys is not the damn problem. And never has been. It is this type of guy specifically. But I suppose its on brand for her friend group.
He’s exactly the type of guy I assumed she would be into. Look at her family, it’s completely on brand for her.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 23:40

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:19
Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:17
An NFL Player? And not any NFL player but a racist Tr-mp supporter. Good Lord. This is like when Shanielle started dating Aaron Rodgers and we would spew weird conspiracy theory shit to the point where people were questioning her sanity as well I bet the same is going to happen to Hailey. Where did she even meet this guy? Do they even run in the same circles? Has to be a PR setup relationship.
Girl, let it go, she's not a lesbian, she likes guys.
Liking guys is not the damn problem. And never has been. It is this type of guy specifically. But I suppose its on brand for her friend group.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 23:19

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 23:17
An NFL Player? And not any NFL player but a racist Tr-mp supporter. Good Lord. This is like when Shanielle started dating Aaron Rodgers and we would spew weird conspiracy theory shit to the point where people were questioning her sanity as well I bet the same is going to happen to Hailey. Where did she even meet this guy? Do they even run in the same circles? Has to be a PR setup relationship.
Girl, let it go, she's not a lesbian, she likes guys.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 23:17

An NFL Player? And not any NFL player but a racist Tr-mp supporter. Good Lord. This is like when Shanielle started dating Aaron Rodgers and we would spew weird conspiracy theory shit to the point where people were questioning her sanity as well I bet the same is going to happen to Hailey. Where did she even meet this guy? Do they even run in the same circles? Has to be a PR setup relationship.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 22:25

oh yikes well it's over. i guess the reason she didnt seem to have many bfs in the past, is because she hid them, or because she wasnt that famous to be papped with them. its a pity cause she's so pretty.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Mri670 » 28 May 2023, 18:56

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 05:15
Wow the het trolls are kinda embarassing <_<

Bisexuality exists, she might be bi also for the one saying her poor taste in men means she is straight, have you met bisexuals? They always date the worst scummiest men. Look at Amber Heard and Evan rachel wood and dare to tell me poor taste in men means straightness again.
Kinda related but not so much... i really "liked" that when the video of Hailee and i don't remember the actress name where kinda touching Each other from the Oscar after party (hugs not something too crazy) and everyone here was like "yep she is straight "..like girl...where?

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 07:09

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 05:15
Wow the het trolls are kinda embarassing <_<

Bisexuality exists, she might be bi also for the one saying her poor taste in men means she is straight, have you met bisexuals? They always date the worst scummiest men. Look at Amber Heard and Evan rachel wood and dare to tell me poor taste in men means straightness again.
With difference AH and ERW are bisexuals and they date women. We don't have receipts about Hailee, only speculations.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 05:15

Wow the het trolls are kinda embarassing <_<

Bisexuality exists, she might be bi also for the one saying her poor taste in men means she is straight, have you met bisexuals? They always date the worst scummiest men. Look at Amber Heard and Evan rachel wood and dare to tell me poor taste in men means straightness again.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 04:50

Guest wrote:
28 May 2023, 01:18
The serious followers of these forums al know Hailee is gay AF and not into men. She never has been. She's what in her late 20's and never had a bf, beards don't count. Most of the acting rolls she takes have all been mainly gay or tom boyish. The girl is screaming to come out.

All this bs about her being bi or straight needs to stop. You can take that nonsense to other forums run by her diluted teeny bopper fans. :ragee:
Girl what….other than Niall all her relationships with men have been super private. She’s straight get over it.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 04:05

Guest wrote:
27 May 2023, 20:45
Guest wrote:
27 May 2023, 20:39


This girl is straight as an arrow ( :P ), like soooooooo many others forum favorites before her ...

(next Jenna Ortega)
X2. I can see the Jenna Ortega thread going in exactly the same direction and it makes me cringe.
It's kinda funny. Reading the jenna thread and realizing how delusional they sounded snapped me out of my own hailee delusion just in time.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 03:22

Guest wrote:
27 May 2023, 15:09
Guest wrote:
27 May 2023, 07:34
Well, I guess those rumors of her being a secret Republican and super conservative have been confirmed because the guy she's seeing is a full blown and very public Tr-mp supporter. He also has a history of public racism and homophobia. Shame. We should've believed the anons who said it.
You can tell she's a Republican just from the way she looks and the people she surrounds herself with.
It sucks I wanted to believe but just the way she comes across is so …trying to be perfect all the time. Josh Allen is also a racist.

Her type loves those white, offensive jerks.

Re: Hailee Steinfeld

by Guest » 28 May 2023, 01:40

I can't tell if you are a delusional fan or a troll. Go touch some grass either way.
